He still knew neither of their names, but somehow trusted them, or at least the redhead, implicitly.
"Just so that I know the plan... why the puppy and chicken little?" Blissful E. Bear asked the leading pair.
The two cloaked figures ahead of him stopped and turned, very slowly.
"Show him," the redhead said to 1950s pinup.
The redhead nodded.
The chicken in the woman's hand flapped from her grasp and seemed to turn before their eyes into some kind of mythical faun, but of the bird-kind. Legs clad in tights, sneakers and a pair of leg warmers, the upper body, however, had changed into that of a sparrow.
"My brother's captors are afraid of giant birds?" Blissful asked. "What am I not following here?"
"Your brothers kidnappers are not what they seem, Mr Bear, nor is much of what you take for granted in your everyday life."
Blissful looked cautiously down at the puppy. The small thing simply licked his hand and then began chewing on his hind leg.
Before them there was suddenly a screech of tires, as a host of sedans careened down Gilcrest Avenue, speeding directly for them.
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