The sparrow-faun stretched its impressive wing-span and at once ascended into the night.
"Where is he going?" Blissful E. Bear shouted after the creature.
"She is going to hopefully save our necks."
"And what about the pooch?" Blissful asked.
The two cloaked ladies exchanged the quickest of glances, before dropping the dog onto its paws, watching it with fervor. The white mess of hair looked back at its audience with little more than a passing glance before proceeding to chase a flea on its upper thigh.
"Is that it?" Blissful sighed. "One cowardly godzilla-sparrow and a flea ridden mutt?"
"Hey! This dog is cleaner than you'll ever be, bear!" The redhead scolded.
"Not to be a bother," the 1950s pinup interrupted. "But I think we have more pressing matters at hand."
The convoy was getting closer, the group were seconds away from a wash of headlights, and a promise of uncertainty. The power lines were punctuated with a dozen little birds, Blissful noticed, and as he watched, more seemed to scuttle down and settle.
"Is that something to do with our not so hero-like bird friend?" Blissful asked.
"I sure hope so," the redhead sighed.
Suddenly, the small white dog lost all interest in attacking its hind leg and grew before them into what appeared to be the missing Blues Brother, suited all in black. Its face the only part still canine.
"Man that stings," the hound spoke.
"Really?" said Blissful. "You're a talking hound and that's the first thing you say?"
"Who brought this guy?" The hound retorted.
The cars screeched to halt before the four of them and out jumped six henchmen, all curiously wearing overalls. Behind them, strolling leisurely were two ginger-haired women in business suits. In the back seat of the car, there was a figure, sitting gagged and bound. Blissful felt his blood run cold. The trees above them were now strewn with the silhouettes of a hundred tiny, fluttering wings.
"Let me handle this," The hound assured, and wandered up towards the group before them, before reaching into his pockets and pulling out a cigarette. "Anyone got a light?"
"Stay right where you are Leonard, we know your tricks."
Blissful turned to the redhead. "His name's Leonard?"
"A guy can't ask for a match?" the hound jeered, all the while trying to edge closer to the sedan holding Blissful's brother. "Oh," Leonard realised. "I already have one."
He ignited the lighter and as he did, the flock of birds surrounding them descended in a cloud of feathers.
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