He stared on in anxious wonder. The letter was encrypted but he was sure he had seen the redhead before, her name was Julia. He had seen her on television but in looking at the three repeated images of her face he suddenly recalled something more than just inebriation from the night before. Julia had been there with her same-sex partner, also named Julia. The two had warned Blissful E. Bear against continuing any communication with the visiting alien and bid him safe passage. He checked his other pockets for any other information, a handful of change in his right pocket, a house key, no wallet. He became frantic. It was nowhere to be found. At that moment his phone started to vibrate, he stared at the name on the screen
Jerry Calling... and lifted the receiver slowly to his ear.

"Hello?" he stammered.
"Who is this?"
"I met... you... last night"
"But who are you?"
"You know what my name is... but that's unimportainable...."
"Yes, precisionally, unimportainable"
"Are you aware that you're making up words?"
"Look! You can't go home, they know where you live."
"Who do?"
"The hostile aliens, they have your papers."
"What is going on? Who are you?"
"A friend, I will call again"
The person then hung up and Blissful was in the dark again.

If Jerry was really the man he had met the night before then this was truly becoming strange. He looked at the rest of the pages in the letter and immediately felt his blood run cold, there in black and white was a distressing image of his own brother etched with the words
we are not going to survive. The last page showed heavy bruising on his brother's face and was signed with an anchor. He immediately scrolled down the contacts in his phone and tried calling his brother, the phone rang several times before he heard someone on the other end.

"Matt!" Blissful shouted.
"Mr Bear?"
"What have you done with my brother?"
"Mr Bear, you need to calm down."
"I swear when I get my hands on whoever this is..."
"Mr Bear, don't overestimate your own ability, do you remember the man with the Chinese cigarettes from last night?"
"What do you want from me?"
"That's simple Mr Bear. We want the man from last night, then you may have your brother."
"I don't know what you're talking about!"
"Mr Bear, this conversation is over. You have two days."
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